Saturday, April 7, 2018

Consular - Character Template - Force-user

Consular (Force)

“I much prefer to read history, rather than make it.”
        — Odan-Urr

“"I might not defeat you, but in time, there will be others…”
        — Satele Shan

The Consular uses the Force for knowledge and negotiation, always seeking the most peaceful solution to each crisis. Though powerful Force–users Consulars educate themselves in all manner of mundane disciplines even as they seek to heighten their understanding of how the Force transcends the physical world. While Consulars train to be versatile and can resolve nearly any conflict with Force inspired reasoning, their offensive capabilities should not be underestimated. Some Consulars rely entirely on Force powers to defeat those who insist on violence, while Consulars trained in the Jedi way often study or create unusual lightsaber techniques and practice them endlessly though they may hope never to display their skill.

Consular (Force)

+1 to Awareness, Intellect, or Presence (choose one)

10 ranks divided among the following: Acrobatics, Close Combat (lightsabers), Expertise (choose one), Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Technology, or Treatment

Equipment 2 (lightsaber)
Choose one of the following: Defensive Attack, Teamwork, or Well-Informed

Choose one of the following options: Affect Mind 1; or Impartial Mediation 3 and Telekinetic Wave 1; or Telekinetic Burst 2

Choose one of the following: Doing Good or Responsibility

Character Points Abilities 2 + Skills 5 + Advantages 3 + Powers 11 = Total 21

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