Seeming (Force Power)
◊Descriptors – the Force, hallucination, mental, mind trick, sensory
◊Effect – Illusion • 5 points per rank +1
◊Effect – Illusion • 5 points per rank +1
◊Modifiers – area:
+1/rank, concentration:
-1/rank, insidious:
+1 flat point, resistible: -1/rank,
selective: +1/rank
◊Results – a hallucination of your design appears in the minds of the subjects
you choose
You can use the Force to alter the perceptions of chosen subjects as a standard
action. The effect appears to originate anywhere you can accurately perceive but
it is purely a mental construct, existing only in the minds of those affected.
The hallucination can appear to occupy an area with a maximum volume rank equal
to your Seeming rank +1.
Although potential targets must have a mind to be affected and thus electronic sensors and the like detect nothing, targets believing the effect will also believe that any equipment available to them corroborates their perceptions while Seeming is in use. After you stop concentrating on the illusion, a review of any data recorded during the effect will show the discrepancy.
Although potential targets must have a mind to be affected and thus electronic sensors and the like detect nothing, targets believing the effect will also believe that any equipment available to them corroborates their perceptions while Seeming is in use. After you stop concentrating on the illusion, a review of any data recorded during the effect will show the discrepancy.
The chosen subjects receive a Will check (DC
10 + your Seeming rank) to resist the effect. Those that succeed detect nothing.
Complications: As a mind trick, this power only works on weak-minded individuals. Generally, those who fail to resist fall in this category, however the gamemaster can rule that strong-willed individuals are unaffected regardless of their resistance check result. In addition, some types of aliens, creatures and Force-wielders may simply be immune to mind tricks.
In addition, mind tricks are generally more effective when the user can gesture with a hand (or similar fine-manipulation appendage). This can negate the Affect Mind’s subtle modifier, particularly if any observers are familiar with mind tricks or Jedi. Not including a gesture to avoid detection or due to being bound may provide a +2 circumstance bonus to the target’s resistance check if the gamemaster wishes. If this difference causes the power unsuccessful, considered it a power loss complication.
Complications: As a mind trick, this power only works on weak-minded individuals. Generally, those who fail to resist fall in this category, however the gamemaster can rule that strong-willed individuals are unaffected regardless of their resistance check result. In addition, some types of aliens, creatures and Force-wielders may simply be immune to mind tricks.
In addition, mind tricks are generally more effective when the user can gesture with a hand (or similar fine-manipulation appendage). This can negate the Affect Mind’s subtle modifier, particularly if any observers are familiar with mind tricks or Jedi. Not including a gesture to avoid detection or due to being bound may provide a +2 circumstance bonus to the target’s resistance check if the gamemaster wishes. If this difference causes the power unsuccessful, considered it a power loss complication.
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