Saturday, March 31, 2018

Comprehend Speech - Consular - Force Power

Comprehend Speech (Force Power)

◊Descriptors – the Force, mental, telepathy
◊Effect – Comprehend 1 • 2 points

Comprehend Speech (Comprehend Languages 1)

Modifierslimited: -1/rank, subtle: +1 flat point, sustained: +0/rank
Action – free
Range – personal
Duration – sustained
◊Results – you can understand the general meaning of intelligent speech regardless of language


You can understand the general meaning of any language spoken by an intelligent creature. Note that binary is not considered a language for the purposes of this effect.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Bestow - Consular - Force Power

Bestow (Force Power)

◊Descriptors – inspiration, interaction, talent, the Force
◊Effect – Summon • 3 points per rank -3

Bestow (heroic Empower limited to available subjects)

Modifierscheck required: -6 flat points, heroic: +2/rank, insidious: +1 flat point, limited: -1/rank, quirk: -2 flat points
 slow: -1/rank, subtle: +1 flat point, variable type: +1/rank
Action – standard (see text)
Range – close
Duration – sustained
◊Results – the subject is empowered with heroic traits
ResistWill (harmless)


“This was your father’s lightsaber.”
“You must learn the ways of the Force if you're to come with me to Alderaan.”
        -Obi-Wan Kenobi

Bestow allows you to empower one subject with enhanced traits up to the limits of their potential.

The selected character’s traits are enhanced to a final character point total equal to 15 x your effective Bestow rank (see below). These traits are limited to a Power Level equal to your effective Bestow rank and cannot provide the subject with additional minions of its own. If the chosen character had minions when this power was used they must be paid for using the total allotment of character points and cannot be enhanced.

Empowering a subject requires that you provide them with inspiration and possibly with equipment, training, or both. The process takes as long as the gamemaster deems appropriate, to a minimum of one minute. At the end of the empowering process, make a Persuasion check as a standard action. Your check result - 15 determines your effective Bestow rank. Subjects who have previously benefitted from your empowerment may be more receptive to subsequent Bestow attempts and the time requirement to affect them tends toward the minimum.  

Empowered subjects behave as they normally would and have no special loyalty towards you. If the subject of Bestow is incapacitated, it immediately reverts to its usual character point total and Power Level. They recover normally and you cannot empower that character again until it has completely recovered. The subject’s abilities also return to normal if you fail to maintain Bestow, or if the effect is countered or nullified.

Note: It is wise to select friendly characters as subjects for Bestow as indifferent or unfriendly characters will need to be persuaded to aid you and unlike other Summon effects, they may even be influenced to act against you! For that reason you may wish include innate Immunity to interaction skills for 6 points, but the gamemaster determines whether this is reasonable trait to include on a case by case basis. Similarly, you should typically select minion characters who are likely to possess low character point totals. If you use Bestow successfully by succeeding your Persuasion check, the target’s new character point total and Power Level is determined by the result of your check even if it is worse! You can end the effect once you determine this is the case through observation.

The subject can resist the effect by succeeding a
Will resistance check with a DC equal to 10 + you effective Bestow rank, but friendly subjects you have worked with before are unlikely to attempt to resist unless you have provided them with poor inspiration (i.e. reduced their character points or Power Level) in the past.

The gamemaster determines what the limits of a subject’s potential are. As a general guideline, characters cannot gain new abilities or powers without prior justification. If the subject is Force-sensitive then their Force powers can be enhanced and may be able to use new powers related to ones they already possess (or that they have manifested with extra effort). Descriptors included with the subject’s current abilities often provide a good indication of what enhanced abilities or new powers are appropriate.

Likewise, the gamemaster determines if any of the subject’s existing traits can be lowered or omitted in the empowered version. Intrinsic traits cannot generally be removed and include all abilities present in the original subject (i.e. Bestow can’t create an empowered character with absent Stamina) as well as traits included with the subject’s type or kind such as those common to all members of the subject’s species. Also, a character known to possess certain traits shouldn’t lose them completely so if the subject is a trained pilot the empowered version can’t lose the Vehicles skill, although it might be reduced in rank.

Bestow and the death of the Mentor
Similar to a sidekicks, Bestow can create many role-playing opportunities and a good justification alter the group dynamics and play experience. A new player could take on the role of one or more NPC characters frequently empowered with Bestow while learning the rules of play. Likewise the player might choose to take over such a role when their “mentor” character is put out of action temporarily, permanently retired, or killed.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Force Vision - Consular - Force Power

Force Vision (Force Power)

◊Descriptors – the Force, mental, visual
◊Effect – Remote Sensing 4, Senses 4, Senses 8, and Senses 4 • 19 points
Farseeing (subtle Remote visual and mental senses, vision penetrates concealment, uncontrolled postcognition and precognition, radius mental and visual senses)

◊Modifiers – subtle: +1 flat point (Remote Sensing); concentration: -1/rank, distracting: -1/rank, sustained: +0/rank (penetrates concealment Senses); slow: -1/rank; sustained: +0/rank, uncontrolled: -1/rank (postcognition and precognition Senses); distracting: -1/rank, sustained: +0/rank (radius Senses)
◊Action – free (standard to see through objects)
◊Range – 500 feet
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – your visual and mental senses can be displaced up to 500 feet; you can see through solid obstacles; you may receive visions of the future or past; your sight and mental senses function simultaneously in any direction


Force Vision grants you the ability to see into the future or the past, at great range, and through solid obstacles.

As a free action, you can displace your any of your visual and mental senses to a distance of up to 500 feet and perceive things exactly as if you were present at that location. Any characters with mental or Force Awareness have a chance to detect remote observation by succeeding a Perception check. In addition, you can use a standard action to see through opaque objects, including while your senses are displaced (but see below). As a free action you can also choose to make your mental and visual senses operate equally well in all directions so it becomes impossible for subjects to hide behind you (without cover or concealment), for example.

All of these effects override your normal senses and you become less aware of immediate threats, making you vulnerable. If you are using any two of these effects (remote sensing while penetrating concealment, for example) you are defenseless instead. If using all three effects at the same time, you also become unaware of your physical surroundings.

Force Vision also allows you to attempt to receive visions of the past or future. To receive a vision requires that you enter a meditative state which takes at least a minute and thus is incompatible with action time. You have no control over what sort of vision you receive, if any. You can choose to attempt to receive a vision of the future or to focus on the past of either your current location or a subject present with you (including yourself). These types of visions take longer to conjure, typically an hour or more. Because your visions are uncontrolled, the gamemaster determines whether you can receive one and informs you of this after your meditation. If you experience a vision, you must succeed an Insight check (DC ranging from 15 to 30 or higher) to receive even vague and potentially inaccurate information. Otherwise the vision is simply disconnected imagery without any useful context.

If you do receive a vision, you can continue to view it as long as you concentrate but you present senses don’t work while your awareness is focused elsewhere.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Battle Meditation - Consular - Force Power

Battle Meditation (Force Power)

◊Descriptors – the Force, mental, telepathy
◊Effect –
Enhanced Trait • 10 points per rank +2

Battle Meditation (Enhanced Trait)

Modifiersaffects only others: +0/rank, area 10: +10/rank, concentration: -1/rank, distracting: -1/rank, increased range: +2/rank, insidious: +1 flat point, limited: -1/rank, selective: +1/rank, side effect: -2/rank, subtle: +1 flat point
Action – standard
Range – perception
Areashapeable: force(s) of up to 1,000 individuals
Duration – concentration
◊Results – +1/rank to target force(s) morale checks
ResistWill (harmless)


You can use the Force to improve the morale of allied forces (see Mass Combat; Gamemaster’s Guide pg. 194) you are able to perceive with an accurate sense. Your Battle Meditation must have area ranks sufficient to encompass the subject(s). You can affect forces with a Force Rank less than or equal to your area rank*; forces of up to 1,000 individuals by default.  

Battle Meditation requires a standard action to activate and maintain. While using Battle Meditation, you are dazed, hindered (-1 to speed) and vulnerable, and all of your traits except Battle Meditation, Awareness, Expertise, Insight, Intellect, Presence, Perception, Stamina, Fortitude and Will are weakened to a rank of -5. Weakened traits recover at a rate 1 per round at the end of your turns after you stop concentrating on Battle Meditation.

In addition, while concentrating on Battle Meditation your visual and exotic senses are impaired (-2 to checks) while your other senses are disabled (-5 to checks).

The subject(s) receive a +1 bonus on all morale checks per effect rank.

It is common for Consulars to improve the area rank (increasing the power’s cost per rank by 1 point each time) rather than the effect rank as they become more accomplished with Battle Meditation. Consulars may add an alternate effect version of Battle Meditation to weaken the morale of enemy forces. The base cost of this is 2 points plus a number of points per rank equal to the area rank + 4 (selective weaken at perception range). Very powerful Consulars use a Battle Meditation with both the enhance and weaken effects linked.

*The number given in the volume column of the measurements table is the total number of individuals the selected force(s) can be composed of.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Temper Senses - Consular - Force Power

Temper Senses (Force Power)

◊Descriptors – the Force, mental, mind trick
◊Effect –
Affliction • 3 points per rank +2

Temper Senses (limited reaction Affliction)

Modifierscumulative: +1/rank, increased range: +1/rank, reversible: +1 flat point, subtle: +1 flat point
Action – standard
Range – S/M/L 25/50/100 feet per rank
Duration – instant
◊Results – the target’s senses are dulled, dazing them
◊Overcome –


“You overdid it.”
        Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Originally used to aid Force-sensitive individuals in developing deeper awareness, Temper Senses allows you to dull a target’s senses, making them lethargic. If you succeed a ranged attack check, the target must succeed a Will resistance check or become dazed (stunned instead with two degrees of failure or unaware with three degrees).

The conditions you inflict are cumulative so if you hit a dazed or stunned target with this effect during subsequent rounds, you can inflict greater degrees of the effect (one degree of effect per degree of failure on the subject’s resistance check).

The target receives a Will check at the end of each of their turns to remove the first two conditions. A target made unaware by Temper Senses experiences total sensory deprivation, however the effect is entirely within the subject’s mind and can’t be cured medically. The subject can overcome this either with telepathic assistance or by achieving calm through meditation. You can also choose to end the effect at will.

Complications: As a mind trick, this power can only be used in a hostile fashion on weak-minded individuals. Generally, those who fail to resist fall in this category, however the gamemaster can rule that strong-willed individuals are unaffected regardless of their resistance check result. In addition, some types of aliens, creatures and Force-wielders may simply be immune to mind tricks.

In addition, mind tricks are generally more effective when the user can gesture with a hand (or similar fine-manipulation appendage). This can negate the Temper Sense’s subtle modifier, particularly if any observers are familiar with mind tricks or Jedi. Not including a gesture to avoid detection or due to being bound may provide a +2 circumstance bonus to the target’s resistance check if the gamemaster wishes. If this difference causes the power unsuccessful, considered it a power loss complication.

Temper Senses works normally on any willing subjects wishing to aid their meditation.

Telekinetic Wave - Consular - Force Power

Telekinetic Wave (Force Power)

◊Descriptors –the Force, telekinesis, variable (force or by projectile)
◊Effect – Damage • 2 points per rank +2

Telekinetic Wave (close area Damage)

Modifiersarea: +1/rank, variable: +1 flat point
Action – standard
Range – close
Area – cone
Duration – instant
◊Results – Damage
ResistDodge and Toughness


You inflict damage equal to your Telekinetic Wave rank to all subjects within a telekinetic cone spreading out from you to a final height, length and width of 60 feet. You can use pure kinetic energy or telekinetically lift objects or debris and hurl them into the effect area and thus you can inflict different damage types - usually bludgeoning, force, or piercing but the gamemaster may allow other damage descriptors depending on what is available for you to throw.

Targets receive a Dodge resistance check (DC 10 + your Telekinetic Wave rank) to reduce the damage effect to half its normal rank.